Saturday 29 November 2014

World Economic Forum on the Global Agenda meet begins in Dubai

The seventh consecutive World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting concerning Global Agenda is being held in Dubai. Its purpose is to reproduce the triumphant innovations implemented in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on an international scope.
The WEF praised the prime minister and vice president of the UAE who is also Dubai’s ruler, Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum for understanding that the most important factor contributing to transformation is innovation. The WEF explained that innovation today would be achieved by running efficient institutions, implementing important policies, acquiring expert and specialized skills and an effective economy where all parts collaborate to explore new ways to do business. A creative and open economy, which is based on cultural innovation, is the most rapid and prolonged way to enhance the UAE’s competitiveness on an international level.
The three-day meeting was attended by more than one thousand people, which amongst them were country leaders and pioneering business executives from all corners of the world.
Discussions will address more than eighty issues concerning the world and possible solutions to these issues will be suggested. The theme of the meet has been named UAE Brainstorms for the World.
The WEF stated that has successfully created a developed and growing economy due to the approaches and policies it has implemented in the country. The approaches adopted by the UAE posed as effective when trying to battle with challenges faced internationally, and successful in redefining the globe’s development plans.
The meeting was held at a significant period of time, when the entire world needs to battle and solve issues that arise like humanitarian, health, unemployment, food, poverty and extremism, lack of recourses and energy problems.
As a result, of growth and development projects within the Gulf region, the Middle Eastern countries have also benefited by attracting attention by potential investors and generally, the world. The WEF outlined that by cooperating with the UAE and adopting approaches to grow, would be crucial in finding solutions to important issues and redefining development throughout all economies of the world.
The fact that the summit was held in Dubai further accentuates the fact that the city supports and is committed to solving international challenges and issues. Dubai, like most of the emirates, has vigorously embraced and introduced different ways to enhance innovation within the city. One of its best decisions Dubai has taken is to hold the Dubai Government 2012 Initiative. The Dubai Government 2012 was organized to implement technology in people’s daily lives.
Through the Dubai Government 2012 Initiative, the state has successfully created a new link between customers and the government, supplying customer relations using a corporate manner as well as establishing Dubai as the most technologically advanced city in the world through adopting one hundred initiatives and more than one thousand tech-related services.
The meeting lasted till the 11 November, and it focused on multiple topics that are presently relevant like renewable energy, climate change, energy security, entertainment, media, infrastructure, internet security, innovation approaches and property. During the meeting the participants also addressed other critical matters like health, humanitarian issues, refugee issues, extremities and other such significant topics that the world is facing currently.

The solutions and results that have been decided upon will be brought forward in Davos at the World Economic Forum. 


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